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Preparing for Your Admission
When you arrive at the Manor, you will be greeted by one of our Team Leaders from the Nursing Department. They will assist getting you out of the vehicle (if you arrive via private vehicle) and take you to your room. The Team Leader will also orient you to the facility and answer questions.
The admission’s process consists of two parts –
Part One: The Admission’s Office where you or your designee will complete necessary insurance forms and facility agreements. If you need help, please have your representative, power of attorney or family member present at time of admission. Please be sure to bring any special advanced directives and insurance cards with you.
Part Two: Nursing Department. The nurse in charge will review your medications and medical history with you and/or your designated representative.
What to Bring
Insurance Cards
Advanced Directives (Living Will, Power of Attorney, DNR forms)
Comfortable Clothing
All patients get dressed for their physical, occupational or speech therapy. This is part of the healing process. Please bring clothing that is easy for you to change in/out of. Laundry is provided free of charge but suggest you bring at least a one week supply (all clothes must be marked with your name if we are doing the laundry. There is no charge for laundry services.
Shoes (non-skid)
Night clothes
Under clothes
Small personal items
Hearing Aides
Hobby Items
Stationary/cards/address book/stamps
Favorite Book (we do have a lending library available)
IPAD, Computer (free WIFI offered in facility)
Toiletries are offered but personal items are welcome (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, etc.)
The following items are provided while in the facility:
Wheelchairs and walkers. You do not need to bring these during your stay with us.
Medications. Your medications will be supplied by our pharmacy. Please do not bring any medications from home.
Therapy Schedule
Once you are admitted, you will be evaluated by our highly trained therapy department. They will discuss your goals and rehab stay and arrange with you, your therapy schedule for each day.
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