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Visitation Policy


To establish visitation procedures within the ALF's & SN's to ensure that the following topics are clear to staff, family and residents per the Florida Statute listed in 408.823.

  • Establish Infection Control & education procedures for visitors;

  • Provide personal protective equipment (PPE), etc. for visitors upon request;

  • Allow for no limits on length of visits & number of visitors;

  • Establish & communicate a clear designation of the person(s) responsible for ensuring that staff members adhere to facility procedures;

  • Define that consensual physical contact is permitted between a resident and their visitors.



  1. Educate all visitors to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

  2. The Receptionist or designee will educate and monitor that visitors "can" utilize PPE when entering & exiting the facility. General visitors can wear PPE if desired during their visit.

  3. The Administrator and Director of Nursing are designated to be responsible for ensuring that staff members adhere to the established visitation and PPE guidelines.

  4. No health care facility in Florida may require visitors to be fully vaccinated or provide their immunization record as a condition to visitation. Facility staff members must allow for consensual physical contact between patients and their loved ones.

  5. Visitors can review the established visitation procedures: upon request, posted in a visible spot in the ALF/SNF lobby, or can access the guidelines via the center website. Suspension of visitation can occur if the visitor violates the facility procedures for keeping residents, staff and other family members safe during visitation.

  6. Upon entrance and exit to the ALF or SN, all visitors are asked to follow proper hand hygiene protocol.

  7. Maintain an accurate visitor log for signing in and out. Allow for visitation with residents of the ALF & SNF at any time (including during meal time with no limit on the amount of time for each visit, and no limit to the number of visitors that attend.

  8. Additionally, if a resident or responsible party chooses to engage in close contact, the facility cannot and their visitors) make this choice.

  9. The facility may notify residents and their representatives of any changes in the current infectious disease outbreak status.

  10. Clean and disinfect visiting areas between visitors and maintain hand washing or sanitation stations.


Visitation guidelines allow for in-person visitation in all of the following circumstances unless the resident/client patient objects per SB 988:

  • End of life situations,

  • Resident adjustment issues or concerns to the nursing facility,

  • A Resident/client/patient who was living with family before being admitted to the providers care is struggling with the change in environment and lack of in-person family support,

  • A resident/client/patient is making one or more major medical decisions,

  • A resident/client/patient is experiencing emotional distress or grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died,

  • A resident/client/patient is needing cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a family member or caregiver,

  • A resident/client/patient who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.


Leave of Absence: Current residents of the facility are permitted to leave the property once LOA procedure have been completed. During a leave of absence, the following is recommended:

  • Wear a mask over your nose and mouth and secure it under your chin.

  • Make sure the mask fits snugly against the sides of your face. 

  • Remember that some people without typical symptoms may be able to spread infectious diseases. 

  • Keeping 6 feet (about 2 arm lengths) from others is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick. 

  • Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. 

  • Keep hand sanitizer with you and use it when you are unable to wash your hands. Use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. 

  • If possible, visit and gather outdoors.

  • Ensure high touch areas and surfaces such as doorknobs, tables, phones etc. are cleaned regularly with appropriate disinfectant.


Revised: 8/2023


The Manor at Blue Water Bay

Tel. 850-897-5592
Fax. 850-897-0501

1500 N White Point Road
Niceville, FL 32578​

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